Ayatul Maksud
Ayatul Maksud was born and brought up in Maijdee.A tiny town in the Noakhali district. He completed his early education from ‘Chandpur Technical Scho…
Ayatul Maksud was born and brought up in Maijdee.A tiny town in the Noakhali district. He completed his early education from ‘Chandpur Technical Scho…
আয়াতুল মাকছুদ যা তাকে অনন্য করে তোলে তা কেবল তার বয়স নয়, এটিও সত্য যে তিনি তাঁর পড়াশুনাকে তাঁর ‘কেরিয়ার’ হিসাবে ডিজিটাল বিপণন ও সামাজিক মিডিয়া প…
Ayatul (Bengali: আয়াতুল মাকছুদ), better known by his nickname Farhaz, is a musician from Bangladesh who has gained widespread popularity for his un…